Bil. | Paper Code | Title | Authors | Pages |
1 | ECON_1 | Does the Balance Sheet Channel of Monetary Policy Is Relevance? A Panel Evidence of Egypt | Mohamed Aseel shokr; Mansor Jusoh; Mohd Azlan Shah Zaidi and Zulkefly Abdul Karim | 1-14 |
2 | ECON_2 | Excellence Investment Determination Analysis To Enhance Regional Competitiveness (Case Study to Determinate City of Semarang as Trading and Serving City) | Hardiwinoto; Andwiani Sinarasri and Akhmad Fathurrohman | 15-23 |
3 | ECON_4 | The Economic Transformation Of Waqf Lands – A Structure And Agency Approach | Ismail Omar, PhD; Aminah Md Yusof, PhD and Faizal A. Manaf, BSc | 24-35 |
4 | ECON_5 | The impact of networking on the SMEs’ ability to access financial government support in Malaysia | Mustafa Gunto and Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohammad Haji Alias | 36-45 |
5 | ECON_6 | Structural Homogenization Among Asean-5 Economies | Choy-Yoke Chong and Prof. Dr. Muzafar Shah Habibullah | 46-51 |
6 | ECON_9 | Analysis Of Poverty In Indonesia With Small Area Estimation : Case In Demak District | Setia Iriyanto and Moh. Yamin Darsyah | 52-57 |
7 | ECON_18 | Oil Price, Monetary and Fiscal Policy: Indonesia Evidence | Rossanto Dwi Handoyo; Mansor Jusoh and Mohd. Azlan Shah Zaidi | 58-71 |
8 | ECON_22 | Firm Level Environmental Performance And Financial Development: Preliminary Evidence From Malaysia | Dr. Sarma Binti Aralas; Mohd Allif Anwar Abu Bakar and Sharifah Milda Amirul | 72-83 |
9 | ECON_24 | Epistemology And Methodology Of Islamic Economics | Nurul Ashirah Othman; Abdul Ghafar Ismail and Bayu Taufiq Possumah | 84-94 |
10 | ECON_25 | Self- Helping Model For Poverty Alleviation On The Productive Urban Poor |
95-102 |
11 | ECON_30 | Asean Economic Biopesticide: Production Of Biopesticide Entomopathogenic Nematodes For Biological Control Insect Pests For Organic Farming | Didik Sulistyanto | 103-109 |
12 | ECON_40 | The Importance Of The Codification Of Islamic Contract Law In Solving Banking And Financial Disputes In Indonesia | Dr. GemalaDewi, SH., LL.M and Wirdyaningsih, SH., MH | 110-119 |
13 | ECON_16 | Initiatives For Financial Inclusion In India | Dr. Dilip K. Chellani, and Dr. Ramamurthy N | 120-124 |
14 | ECON_33 | Modeling Exchange Rate Volatility Of Post-Conflict Economies: The Role Of Regulation | Mohamed Ibrahim Nor and TAJUL ARIFFIN MASRONTajul Ariffin Masron | 125-135 |
15 | ECON_38 |
Towards Accommodating the Contemporary Wealth into the Zakat Folds |
Sheriff Muhammad Ibrahim |
136-142 |